Thursday 1 December 2011

Lots to say, so little time!

First things first I feel the need to apologise for such an extended period of non-postage. So here it is:


I'm sure that no-one really noticed, I'm not under the delusion that my blog is that central to lives of my associates but nonetheless it felt necessary. I would also like to point out the the word 'blog' has started coming up as an unknown word when I type it on here, which is something I enjoy as much as Facebook not recognising its own name.

So since I wrote last I have completed an EPIC 24 hours of solid drama, partaken in the University Musical Theatre society's Fresher's Showcase, written my first 'academic' essay, drunk more than my fair share of alcohol, not eaten nearly enough veg, slept lots and somehow managed to find myself in a relationship.

Let's do this in chronological order, shall we? And I'll try not to be too dull :)

24 hour drama is a wonderful idea to meet people, have fun and get you practical drama fix at uni starting at 12 noon on a Saturday and ending 24 hours later. One can arrive late or bail early as wished, however i did neither and slept muchly afterwards.It is run by one of the on campus societies (T:24 Drama) who, as shown by their name, make 24 hour events a habit. It was a lot of fun where I got to know some people I'd already met around the place and met a large number of wondrous people. Including one lovely young lady called Kate. I'm sure all those of you who actually bother to read these ramblings of mine have already seen this fact displayed on the screen of the all powerful master that is facebook, but nonetheless I am re-iterating. She would be accepted by all you beloved and much missed performing arts friends. That's right, she is THAT crazy ;) And about 3 feet tall. I joke, but she is 4'11"...1 foot and 4 inches shorter than me. This makes for some rather entertaining photographs.

Shortly after the 24 hour drama I was accepted in the Freshers Showcase which was 'Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll'. In the showcase I had 2 solos but the important part was I met even more brilliant people and had a lot of fun. The show was filled with great songs such as Totally Fucked (yes, an obvious choice for the theme, but for the excellent reason that it is a great song that doesn't need much context) and Lancelot from Monty Python's SPAMALOT, in which I got to dance most camply and was therefore in my element. The directors even managed to make a long line of people coming to bow more interesting by making the bows a live performance of 'Everybody Needs Somebody' as well. Excellent show, excellent people, excellent fun times.

On the essay, it wasn't a long one as such, and we all had plenty of time to do it in. What got me about it when I re-read it was how only 2 or 3 months ago I would not have really got a lot of what I was on about...but now I'm writing it! It's amazing the pace with which you pick things up when you read this amount every week. Seriously, reading is the dominant form of my existence now but as long as it is the right book or extract, it has stopped being a chore. I am enjoying reading the way I used to all those years ago! :P

Well, it has been wonderful spewing the last 2 months of my life for you all; what have you been up to?


P.P.S I am aware how very childishly excited that seemed, but I guess I'm just extremely hyped up this year. XD

Saturday 24 September 2011

Here I am!!!!'

Ok, first of all: This is a slightly longer one than usual, mainly because its been SO EFFING LONG! I just checked and discovered it was July 1st. O. MY. GOD! (with St. Trinians moves as well. that is how epically bad this fact is) So in that time: I have been clubbing for the first and second times; celebrated a dear friends 18th  and another's 19th with a couple of other firsts AND got my results. A big couple o' months.

So I'll start with that last one. Results. You all know them by now but nonetheless: D/D - Performing Arts, B - English, C - Philosophy. Both that B and that C were quiiiiite close to the next grade up, but nonetheless were a B and a C. In essence this means that I'M AT UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!! more on that later.

The clubbing and birthdays. As part of my big sister's 21st celebrations i went out clubbing with her, at this point VERY recent fiancĂ©e and a couple of her mates.....that's at least the politest way to describe Sofa and Karl anyhoo ;) This was the first time I went clubbing, and was immediately after a 12-hour Tesco shift on Brighton Pride Saturday. This meant 2 things. 1: It was VERY busy in Brighton; and 2: in order to catch up to the oldies, who I met up with on the train, a drank A LOT on the way to Brighton. I had an amazing night. The second club night was also the 19th birthday of my dear friend Gary, who I like to fondly imagine is at this moment sitting at a desk typing the same as me, except he has airport passengers awaiting the answer the computer tells him. Preferably not 'No'. His night out was very different, I was a lot more sober but definitely had a GREAT night. LIFE isn't my favourite club, but this just goes to prove that as long as you're with the right people, it can still be EPIC!.....until they all go back to Haywards Heath and leave you on a freezing seafront at 4 a.m. waiting until your train even arrives. Not all bad though: buddies beans on toast is delicious. :P

The 18th. Of course it is Liam's to which I refer, and both of the couple of other firsts are on this night. Now, when I say 'firsts' I'm sure what I mean is not what those of you out there following this will think. You are all puerile. No, I mean 2 of the most EPIC things I've ever done: beer pong (which I suck at) and a Beer Bong (which I was surprised I managed....). That night for me was the last time I saw many of my P.A. peeps before uni, and to any of you reading this, even if I saw you after that night: I miss you. I do. I actually welled up thinking of you guys earlier, so don't underestimate this :') *

So, uni. I moved in a week ago today and already myself and my housemates are as thick as thieves. It's like we met as children. The people from my course whom I have met already are amazing. We get on really well and everything seems to fit nicely. Those of you who really want to talk to me could hear some amazing news involving celebrities :o My module conveners and the head of the course are also very funny and easy to listen to which is good, means i might get some good notes. Also, anyone into film should check out 'Night of the Hunter' from 1955. It's a thriller, but also a comedy and a hundred other things. Try and pin it down, or just watch it as it is EPIC! <--another point regarding that word. For the last week i seem to have said 'epic' more than it should be legal to say any one word in a week.....i think i need an intervention. Help me. (And to those who wonder....the laugh seems to have developed to a largely 'inhaling' form at the moment, due to the sore throat bought on by freshers week :P)

Well. It's been a while but i think everything's up to date now. Cannot wait to see all you guys again...whenever that may be (also - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE LOWE!!! hope you have/had and AWESOME DAYYYYYYY!!). Right I think that's it, this is me, signing off AT UNI!! eeek! :D xx

*Also, yes FAMILY I miss you too, I hoped you would take that as red however. :)

Friday 1 July 2011

The speed of time

Time flies when your having fun. That's what they say, and I have decided that I do not like it, not one bit. Don't worry, this isn't going to be a moany Blog which people would probably expect from that sentence. I hope.

Since leaving college, I have spent most of my time at home and already the last month seems longer than the rest of the year so far put together. January to May flitted past in a heartbeat with all my bestest buds having fun and doing what we laughingly call 'hard work'. And yes, it was hard and stressful, but somehow a lot of fun at the same time. Now, living life away from these people time drags by even with the best in 21st century entertainment to keep me occupied.

The upshot of the is that when I look back on this year in my dotage I will see an awefully long time playing playstation, watching films and TV and sleeping but an almost minuscule amount of time (albeit filled to the brim with activity) with the people I love. This juxtaposition worries me and makes me wish that fun times felt longer than nothingy times.

Prime example: Emma and Hannah's leaving-for-Europe do on Tuesday. We arrived around 20 to 6-ish and probably didn't actually sleep (those of us in the front room anyway) until about 3 or 3.30 a.m. Tuesday night was GREAT fun and I hope nothing but the best (and a quickest-feeling due to fun-ness) trip to the gals, and yet so far since I woke up 3 or so hours ago, today seems FAR longer than the whole of Tuesday.

I really sincerely wish for the rest of summer to be energetic, involved and fun as I want the memories to be such, even if they are quick ones.

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Tuesday 7 June 2011

I am a MAN!

So. I have been 18 now for a little over a week. it feels like less, if only because my birthday and the day after blurred into 1 due to no sleep, and the Monday and Tuesday did the same. Wednesday was a nothing day, Thursday was 'revision', but then the weekend came.

Friday was AMAZING! Went to London to sunny Oxford Street where I enjoyed much shopping with a new hat, amongst other assorted items, to show for it. T'was a lovely afternoon sat in Starbucks with a frappucino (Strawberries and cream, dontcha know?) in a t-shirt and blazer, trilby and reading a play. I have NEVER felt so very theatrical in my LIFE. I felt like I should be waiting for my agent to call or someone to go: 'OH MY GOD! I saw you in the Olivier last night!' Then I would respond, mildly snobbishly: 'Why yes, you probably did. I was the one ON stage *a-trololololol*!'

I then went on to t'theatre. I saw Pant's on Fire's Metamorposes in Greenwich. but more on that in a moment. I had a rather enjoyable afternoon mooching around Greenwich, looking back at almost a year ago (it does NOT feel that long) when us bunch from the NYT were mooching around the same area. When in search of the elusive theatre, I found myself standing outside a record shop, that sells various other vintage bits and bobs/clothes, feeling the nostalgia sweep over me thinking about how we spent a VERY long time in there while a certain someone indulged himself. Looking back, I might need to get the address for one Miss Emma, as it is so VERY her. It is THAT good ;)

Back at the theatre, which I found, walked away from, lost again, and found again. Where I bought a Vodka Orange, just cos I can, and DIDN'T get I.Ded. What is the point of just turning 18, if you can't bandy about your passport or driving licence, or whatever it happens to be, like it's going out of fashion? This isn't even the first time. I've been 18 a week, I've only been asked for ID 3 times out of A LOT of opportunities. And one of them was tonight. Fags, booze, there's been a lot this week, but only 3 requests.  Anyhoo, back to the point. The show was impeccable. I missed it last autumn in The Hub, and am glad I saw it when I did. Funny, intelligent, well performed. And a tad inspirational to be totally honest. I know how much quality is possible in young performers, and have seen it rise extremely high, so I know what I could do with my own company later, and what I'd want my students to be able to achieve when they are doing it. 

Saturday. What can I say? Funny. As. HELL! My famalam, Gemma and I popped down to Brighton for part of my 18th celebrations and went to Kommedia. We were sat right by the stage, myself nearest it. It's a comedy club, I think we all know what happens next. Act number 1, Hal Cruttenden: 'You have a fucking weird laugh!' then follows a whole evening of banter from the comics for me and my fathers. I couldn't resist telling them that little nugget.

Tonight was possibly the best night of them all. Performing Arts Finale meal. The teachers got their gifts, ALMOST everyone turned up, and we had a SMASHING night. Banter, laughs and delicious food. Thankfully, for me at least, all of the emotional stuff is out of the way. I have written to those I love most, and yes, I have cried. It is officially over now, I'm just glad tonight was tear-less (from what I saw, at least) fun.

Adieu, Au Revoir etc. etc. but never goodbye, to all my PA family (and to my readers),
with love

Sunday 15 May 2011

Here we go!

So, its been a while. And an odd while at that.

Tomorrow is my first exam: Philosophy Unit 1. A I worried? Yes, actually. been trying to revise, but only have the materials to revise HALF of the exam. and that half is only an option. The question I have to answer is the one that all my revision stuff has run off for. Joyous, isn't it? But hey-ho, moving on.

Tomorrow is also performance 1 of Measure for Measure. Can. Not. Wait! Seriously, I want to get up in front of that audience with the other incredibly talented people I've been working with for the last few months and go: Look at this, we did this! Yes, there are worries. Yes, I am nervous. But no, I will not be brought down by them. If something goes wrong, which it almost certainly will what with it being promenade and relying on the audience actually moving (god forbid :P), we will power through professionally and make it looked planned. we're good like that.

When we are done with the old M4M comes the moment: leaving. Performing Arts finished. A week ago I didn't really know how I would react about that. Now however, with it looming over us, I'm feeling scared, sad and just a little nostalgic. ALREADY!!! It's just silly. I'm looking back over my times and going 'oh, those were the days.'WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Really, it is too much for this time. I know for sure that I will miss everyone hugely, some people even more, but that's inevitable. Any of you who are reading this: you guys have been my life for the last 2 years, when I'm off at Uni *fingers crossed* it's gonna take some SERIOUS adjustment. I love you all :).

Now: my biggest worry right now is English. I got my coursework grade back and it was a C. A mid band C. I need to get a high B or an A in the exam to get into Uni and that TERRIFIES me. exams stress me, and last years English exam yielded me a D. This is scary scary stuff. My entire future is now hanging on one exam. And, it's an exam that bears no real relation to my career. I hope I get it though, Kent will be SO good for me.

To close, I repeat: I love all my Performing Arts people and send a special shout out to them and our wonderful teachers to say that I am a completely different person to 2 years ago thanks to you. This journey has seen me grow personally, professionally and emotionally so thank you so much, and sorry if it has been a bumpy road with me at times.


Monday 11 April 2011


Well, the last couple of weeks have been fairly uneventful. I didn't get in to Rose Bruford but half way through the following day and it felt like months ago, so its not all bad. We in Measure for Measure have got an awful lot done, and the 2 days next week should be amazingly helpful to get even more done so we can start to focus on detail and polishing.

Last night, however, someone I thought was worthy of my trust went on a rant about everything that everyone hates about me and that all of them spend any time with me trying to ditch me. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the honesty, but sometimes honesty should be fed out in bite-size morsels of truth, not as a full 'french service' meal plonked in front of me all at once. The truth is good to get out but hurts. It reduced my mental state back to that of the year 9 'emo' me. A state I do not like being in or being reminded of. Its amazing how quickly from the turn of one person you entirety of thought can regress. Some people, who are always honest to the face, I would have taken this from and barely reacted. But other people who hide their opinions from people's faces and tend to go behind you're back really hit you hard when they go to you're face. Its out of character and therefore you assume it is WORSE than what they are saying.

Really, I have no hard feelings toward this person and appreciate they're honesty but still, it hit hard.

In other news: I spent most of yesterday watching Bones, old episodes of Hustle and Glee. I am one episode ahead again. Last week's was mostly awful. Rachel more irritating than normal and too much Bieber. My Chemical Romance was incredible though. Tonight's is rather good, nice and emotional for Kurt, which I like.

Well, that's me for now, farewell, chums. Xx
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Wednesday 30 March 2011

No laptop and no *blank* make Henry get sad face.

So...I've been without my laptop now for ooh, 5 minutes or so. I also have retreated to my room the way I do every evening to get away from awful television (usually CBS Reality *gag*) and repetitive conversation.

Normally at these times I would retreat into iplayer or 4od or itunes or some such, but I do not have access to these. I decided to get windows 7 from software4students. It was only £40, why not? That's when the trouble started. You have to download, transfer to disk then install. I backed up my data first, followed all the instructions, and more instructions besides, but the install broke half-way through (apparently some missing info). This means too much of Vista is gone to use but not enough of 7 is there to use. That's my relaxation and measure for measure research and English coursework (due next Friday) and the practical test I'm meant to be booking as I've miraculously found my theory certificate royally buggered.

Add to this that I cannot partake in the 2 most relaxing experiences in my life. The first one - yes it is the tawdry thing that popped into your mind (not salad related), because of a 40 days and nights thing with a couple of people from college. The second - my own little habit that some people can't know about yet, because 2 of those people are downstairs.

The combination of all these things has genuinely left me with the single tear streaming down my face. I realise this is a FM-TANWWMMC-L (Fuck My - There's actually nothing wrong with my middle class - life) moment but it has left me stressed and upset.

I'm sorry if I've wasted your time.
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Saturday 26 March 2011

Another big gap

Again, I have managed to go a ridiculously long time without blogging. This is shameful, I know. I will attempt to put one up every week from now on, but can't promise anything.

My life has been rather good of late. ĂŹndeed, I have received a conditional offer from my second choice institution (KENT) and a recall at my first choice (Rose Bruford) in a little over a week. For Kent's offer I need a 'B' in English so am currently spending every moment not already taken by Measure for Measure (excited) rehearsals or research to make sure my coursework is up to scratch. For Rose Bruford's recall I need to have the sheet music for my song. After an extreme trek around the internet to find it, I stumbled upon a website that gives 1 print for a couple of quid. Then my printer decided to go all 'fuck printing' on me and chewed up page 2 (of 5). That meant, as it had already 'printed', we had to buy it again. I was very irritated.

In other news, we now have 4 weeks until we perform or Shakespeare:Retold shows, plus 2 weeks of holiday, then another week of actually doing it. That's 5 or 7 weeks until college ends and we're split up. Sorry, but its true. Don't tell me not to say, we need to get used to it now to avoid certain people crying. However - bare in mind that that means its only a little longer than that until about 5 days straight of P.A. Parties!!

A week after my birthday, my family will be taking me to Jonglers comedy club. Cannot wait! It is such a good venue and I'm really excited about it. It will be all 7 of us in the close family, plus Gemma so should be a pretty damn funny night!

My parents also want to know what 'special' thing I want for my birthday. They mean like an engraved tankard or something. I just want money if I'm honest, pay for bits and bobs and help me in saving for feeding myself at uni.
Its gonna be a good week - I promise.

Friday 4 March 2011

It's Been Too Long

Hello there, it's been a while so I'm just going to update you on the last week and a half of my life now that i have returned from Preston.

The most important thing to happen since my last blog was....a party. Or should that be A PARTAAAYYYYYY!!!? probably not, actually, my sincerest apologies. It was however a rather excellent party at a certain Ms. Lia Ferris's house where various drinking games saw me with very sore hands and certain revelations spilling forth. Sorry guys. The evening ended for a group of us, but then another group decided that wasn't right and kept us up until 5. Quite fun though, methods included I Spy with a rather imaginative Gary chirping in occasionally with absolute CORKERS. and of course the advent of bloobs, blegs etc. from the ever unusually Liam and Emma. Well done you two.

I also found out I got a recall at my first - the rather lovely ROSE BRUFORD! Yay :) Now however, I need to find the sheet music to a particularly obscure musical...could be tricky.

On top of all of this our funding pitch, which Gemma and I put SO much work into, went rather well. Even if most of the questions were very much blagged! Now just the marks to come...

Now to the last couple of days.When i got the UCLan in Preston i thought - Wow. It was a beautiful building, with the massive downside of it being the fact that the teacher believed that an actor 'doesn't need to feel the emotion, just needs to show the audience what it should be'. Translation: demonstrate. Outcome: hammy, awful acting. They, essentially, teach an acting BA which states that truthful performance is unnecessary.  And very arrogantly too. That's why i don't care that I didn't get through, the 4 people that did were all very clear, but also extremely hollow. And none of the people to whom i wold have said 'yes' to got through either. you know, the ones I believed. They claim that they are training the very best of the 'actors of tomorrow'. If thats true I pity the Olivier awards and BAFTA awards of tomorrow. 

P.S. I suck at (amongst other things) finding a decent way to sign off. My best (from 'I Don't Like Mondays') was actually supplied to me by the mildly funny Mr Andy Burse. If you have any ides, please comment as I hate an open ended blog.

*insert sign off*

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Terror and Laughter...and more 'work'

So, half term has been upon us now for half of a week, and the amount of work left is scaring me. I am completely sincere.

Life has been fairly good since my last post. Both Performance Workshop performances done, and went rather well, if I do say so myself. As for the other groups: storytelling i missed two of but the Gruffalo was high-larious and obscene, if a little sweary, thank you a certain field mouse (tehe). Overall worried me about the quality of ours. Macbeth, I think, was one of the best times we've done it, and or audience response was very good (thanks guys :D). The other Macbeth was frankly TERRIFYING! If I was to show you roughly how long it would take for your heart to come back down to normal rate, it would be roughly comparable to this: imagine that your mother, accompanied by the Grim Reaper, walked in on you masturbating when you were, say, 13 years old and yelled "HEATHEN, THOU HAST OFFENDED OUR TRUE LORD!' and came at you with Grimmy-Boys scythe. Not a likely situation, granted, but scary none the less. Well done Macbeth, witches group.

Then came the joy of half term arriving. A joy of many days of procrastination (see Sunday, 13th February: Procrastination - Fuel of the Nation). Saturday was easy - work, Sunday I'll get to later, and Monday I was in London with the exceptional bunch of people I call my NYT friends. That was a day involving singing folk-ified hymns in Camden Market and dancing with Hare Krishners. Fun fun fun. I actually wrote an essay on Tuesday (I know, one whole day, one short essay. fail), and was in college today doing a lot of funding work. But I'm boring you, I'll move on.

Sunday. Now this you may be interested in: RUSSELL HOWARD at the O2. A few smaller details about him, he has been going to the gym, and you can tell, and included a Friends style Barker Lounger into his set seamlessly. The first time it seemed very rehearsed, but after that far more natural. He has managed to incorporate multimedia into his show quite well, but the thing you all want to know. 

Russell Howard is a size 18. 

He wore a, rather lovely, pink thong throughout the second half. Apparently bought in La Senza. Howard is a man very ready to repeatedly show off his thong to a stadium full of strangers multiple times. I have never known him be funnier or indeed more original. The involved many more Boris jokes - but a much dimmer view of him. Poor Boris. and a fair amount of silliness:


Yes, thats right, and straight from the news - a ninja who hurt his shoulder falling out of a tree, his finger doing acrobatics, and couldn't sneak up on  fox. I suggest you all wait obsessively, as i will be, until November for the DVD. you will actually piss yourselves. Maybe. 

You are all sad strange little people, and you have my pity, Farewell.

Tuesday 15 February 2011


So today's been fun. Genuinely, I've had a great day.

Aside from the obscenely early start at 4 this morning (and a total inability to have a bath last night because the hot water wasn't working) it's been nice. All, yes ALL, of my trains have been on time, with seating available. The people touring us around Rose Bruford were lovely and funny (and just a little bit steaming hot :P) and then I had some time to sit back, breath and relax before I started.

When I went in I did my hamlet which, admittedly, could have been better but was still good, they seemed fairly standard for an audition-er, but then they asked me to do my contemporary and joy of joys they laughed! At me! Also, Alison, they lady who auditioned me said she really likes the author of my play. Will that count in my favour? ... Well, no. I'm not so naïve as to think that her opinion of the playwright makes any difference whatsoever, or that the laughter means anything other than a boost in my confidence, all I know for sure now is that they have seen it, I liked it, and I've still got a while to wait for a response.

Time to just enjoy the buzz. :D
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Monday 14 February 2011

I don't like Mondays

So, it's ten past eight and already today is, frankly, awful. And it isn't because it's valentines amazingly.

This morning I woke up late and had the worlds fastest shower and breakfast before powering it from my house to the station only to realise that someone had killed themselves a couple of stations down the line. That probably was valentines fault (partly, most people can deal with today's melancholy). It meant that my train (and every train for half an hour) had been cancelled.

When I did get a train I was crammed into the luggage rack, being forced back and forth by some guy in a ski coat who stank to high heaven, as a place to sit, with no access to the door to get off and change to my other train.

Then crammed onto a platform with about, oh, 1000 people?! Waiting for a late train that would still have been too late if it was on time.

At this point I managed to get myself in, but listening to the boomtown rats really ups the mood.

Fuck valentines, fuck trains, fuck southern for making me stand around.
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Sunday 13 February 2011

Procrastination - fuel of the Nation

So here I am convincing myself I am actually about to start the work I've been building up to all day, but I think we all know it's not going to happen just yet. Oh well, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

I just spent 45 minutes trying to set up 'Mobile Blogger' before I realised that 'Mail2Blogger' existed and took literally 2 seconds to set up - silly old me! But now I am happily writing this in an email on my blackberry which I'm quite enjoying and can be a new thing for my list of tools for procrastination.

Procrastination is what keeps this country going. We all do it, and usually the last minute pressure actually makes our work better. But, like all fuels, there is always a flaw in the reasoning: it makes for an extremely lazy country I think. All fellow procrastinators tell me now - do you usually feel lazy when putting work off?

I thought so. I'm not entirely sure what my opinion is at this point - or where this is going (apart from on and on), so I'll leave it there. I am not More-Than Freeman, but thank you for reading nonetheless.
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Jager and Blackberry


In the last few days since I started this blog, stuff has happened. Not much stuff, grant you, but stuff none the less.

Despite Thursday being unbearably slow, and having to wake up first thing, Friday was a good day. Had a fun day at college, if a slightly worrying one hearing about the trials of a preceding night, then on my way home bought a Blackberry Curve 3G and stuck my SIM card in it. The blackberry is an AMAZING piece of technology and I love it and using it however, there is one major flaw as it stands right now.


Or twitter, or many other things on it because, simply, RIM are strange people. All other phone makers use the networks server to use internet and stuff, but RIM/Blackberry DO NOT! They have it go through their own so my data plan is wrong. and nothing about me is ever wrong so you see how this upsets me on many levels :P
I am confused by it though, as I don't see how it is I can use the browser and download from AppsWorld but can't use any apps that need the internet.....?

But hey-ho, life goes on, and there are better things to discuss. For example: JAGERMEISTER. On friday night I very much enjoyed my jagermeister, in fact I enjoyed most of the bottle straight, to myself. It started off slower. With blue-bolt involved, but in mere minutes I was drinking from he bottle. After about 45 minutes, and 40% bottle, i still couldn't feel anything, so I drank more - clever right? - then it started hitting, tipsy-ness kicked in, and a drinking game started. A drinking game which saw me finish the bottle of Jager. Don't get me wrong, certain other people had some shots of it but that probably amounted to about 10-15% of the bottle. After the game I started a can of Strongbow, which I don't know if I finished, all I know is that I went home after having spewn  forth my contents into a controlled unit.

Yesterday was like any Saturday (amazingly, not hungover :D) work all day, sleep all night, and I am writing this in a bid to prepare my mind to write to essays and organize an AWFUL lot of notes.

On top of that the stress/nerves are starting to reach me on the subject of my Rose Bruford audition on Tuesday. Tuesday is now an extra-early morning (4 a.m.) after not getting home until 8 on Monday because I've been roped into overtime. At Tesco. Joy. 

Thursday 10 February 2011

Blog Virgin

Well, this is my first. Call me a band-waggon jumper but everyone else, seems to be doing it so I thought I'd give it a try. 

I never quite sure what to write on these sorts of things so I'll probably just use it to rant and rave, talk about random shit that comes to mind about TV and films i see, and air the sort of dirty dirty laundry I wouldn't on facebook or twitter because I cannot stand facebook arguments and want to avoid them at all costs.

 So, anyone who reads this look forward to some venting that is to come metaphorically spewing from my fingers into the wonderful world of the world wide web.
