Tuesday, 7 June 2011

I am a MAN!

So. I have been 18 now for a little over a week. it feels like less, if only because my birthday and the day after blurred into 1 due to no sleep, and the Monday and Tuesday did the same. Wednesday was a nothing day, Thursday was 'revision', but then the weekend came.

Friday was AMAZING! Went to London to sunny Oxford Street where I enjoyed much shopping with a new hat, amongst other assorted items, to show for it. T'was a lovely afternoon sat in Starbucks with a frappucino (Strawberries and cream, dontcha know?) in a t-shirt and blazer, trilby and reading a play. I have NEVER felt so very theatrical in my LIFE. I felt like I should be waiting for my agent to call or someone to go: 'OH MY GOD! I saw you in the Olivier last night!' Then I would respond, mildly snobbishly: 'Why yes, you probably did. I was the one ON stage *a-trololololol*!'

I then went on to t'theatre. I saw Pant's on Fire's Metamorposes in Greenwich. but more on that in a moment. I had a rather enjoyable afternoon mooching around Greenwich, looking back at almost a year ago (it does NOT feel that long) when us bunch from the NYT were mooching around the same area. When in search of the elusive theatre, I found myself standing outside a record shop, that sells various other vintage bits and bobs/clothes, feeling the nostalgia sweep over me thinking about how we spent a VERY long time in there while a certain someone indulged himself. Looking back, I might need to get the address for one Miss Emma, as it is so VERY her. It is THAT good ;)

Back at the theatre, which I found, walked away from, lost again, and found again. Where I bought a Vodka Orange, just cos I can, and DIDN'T get I.Ded. What is the point of just turning 18, if you can't bandy about your passport or driving licence, or whatever it happens to be, like it's going out of fashion? This isn't even the first time. I've been 18 a week, I've only been asked for ID 3 times out of A LOT of opportunities. And one of them was tonight. Fags, booze, there's been a lot this week, but only 3 requests.  Anyhoo, back to the point. The show was impeccable. I missed it last autumn in The Hub, and am glad I saw it when I did. Funny, intelligent, well performed. And a tad inspirational to be totally honest. I know how much quality is possible in young performers, and have seen it rise extremely high, so I know what I could do with my own company later, and what I'd want my students to be able to achieve when they are doing it. 

Saturday. What can I say? Funny. As. HELL! My famalam, Gemma and I popped down to Brighton for part of my 18th celebrations and went to Kommedia. We were sat right by the stage, myself nearest it. It's a comedy club, I think we all know what happens next. Act number 1, Hal Cruttenden: 'You have a fucking weird laugh!' then follows a whole evening of banter from the comics for me and my fathers. I couldn't resist telling them that little nugget.

Tonight was possibly the best night of them all. Performing Arts Finale meal. The teachers got their gifts, ALMOST everyone turned up, and we had a SMASHING night. Banter, laughs and delicious food. Thankfully, for me at least, all of the emotional stuff is out of the way. I have written to those I love most, and yes, I have cried. It is officially over now, I'm just glad tonight was tear-less (from what I saw, at least) fun.

Adieu, Au Revoir etc. etc. but never goodbye, to all my PA family (and to my readers),
with love

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