Saturday 24 September 2011

Here I am!!!!'

Ok, first of all: This is a slightly longer one than usual, mainly because its been SO EFFING LONG! I just checked and discovered it was July 1st. O. MY. GOD! (with St. Trinians moves as well. that is how epically bad this fact is) So in that time: I have been clubbing for the first and second times; celebrated a dear friends 18th  and another's 19th with a couple of other firsts AND got my results. A big couple o' months.

So I'll start with that last one. Results. You all know them by now but nonetheless: D/D - Performing Arts, B - English, C - Philosophy. Both that B and that C were quiiiiite close to the next grade up, but nonetheless were a B and a C. In essence this means that I'M AT UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!! more on that later.

The clubbing and birthdays. As part of my big sister's 21st celebrations i went out clubbing with her, at this point VERY recent fiancĂ©e and a couple of her mates.....that's at least the politest way to describe Sofa and Karl anyhoo ;) This was the first time I went clubbing, and was immediately after a 12-hour Tesco shift on Brighton Pride Saturday. This meant 2 things. 1: It was VERY busy in Brighton; and 2: in order to catch up to the oldies, who I met up with on the train, a drank A LOT on the way to Brighton. I had an amazing night. The second club night was also the 19th birthday of my dear friend Gary, who I like to fondly imagine is at this moment sitting at a desk typing the same as me, except he has airport passengers awaiting the answer the computer tells him. Preferably not 'No'. His night out was very different, I was a lot more sober but definitely had a GREAT night. LIFE isn't my favourite club, but this just goes to prove that as long as you're with the right people, it can still be EPIC!.....until they all go back to Haywards Heath and leave you on a freezing seafront at 4 a.m. waiting until your train even arrives. Not all bad though: buddies beans on toast is delicious. :P

The 18th. Of course it is Liam's to which I refer, and both of the couple of other firsts are on this night. Now, when I say 'firsts' I'm sure what I mean is not what those of you out there following this will think. You are all puerile. No, I mean 2 of the most EPIC things I've ever done: beer pong (which I suck at) and a Beer Bong (which I was surprised I managed....). That night for me was the last time I saw many of my P.A. peeps before uni, and to any of you reading this, even if I saw you after that night: I miss you. I do. I actually welled up thinking of you guys earlier, so don't underestimate this :') *

So, uni. I moved in a week ago today and already myself and my housemates are as thick as thieves. It's like we met as children. The people from my course whom I have met already are amazing. We get on really well and everything seems to fit nicely. Those of you who really want to talk to me could hear some amazing news involving celebrities :o My module conveners and the head of the course are also very funny and easy to listen to which is good, means i might get some good notes. Also, anyone into film should check out 'Night of the Hunter' from 1955. It's a thriller, but also a comedy and a hundred other things. Try and pin it down, or just watch it as it is EPIC! <--another point regarding that word. For the last week i seem to have said 'epic' more than it should be legal to say any one word in a week.....i think i need an intervention. Help me. (And to those who wonder....the laugh seems to have developed to a largely 'inhaling' form at the moment, due to the sore throat bought on by freshers week :P)

Well. It's been a while but i think everything's up to date now. Cannot wait to see all you guys again...whenever that may be (also - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOPHIE LOWE!!! hope you have/had and AWESOME DAYYYYYYY!!). Right I think that's it, this is me, signing off AT UNI!! eeek! :D xx

*Also, yes FAMILY I miss you too, I hoped you would take that as red however. :)

1 comment:

  1. MR HALSALL I MISS YOU!! why again are we at Unis the opposite side of the country? There are no gingers for me to debate with here!On the bright side, I have found some who refer to the science of "Bamboozling" - I fondly think of you when it occurs ^___^
    I thought LIFE was wicked-cool, but ho hum, That's cos i'm a maverick pirate with a purple tumbleweed as hair, traversing the galaxy spreading the word of Rock, Roll and the importance of Bacon. Freddie would be proud as he observes my nonchalant insanity from Rocker Heaven (Or Hell...depending how Satans feeling...all of eternity ) Why the rambling? Because I miss you, you bastard! xxx
