Friday 4 March 2011

It's Been Too Long

Hello there, it's been a while so I'm just going to update you on the last week and a half of my life now that i have returned from Preston.

The most important thing to happen since my last blog was....a party. Or should that be A PARTAAAYYYYYY!!!? probably not, actually, my sincerest apologies. It was however a rather excellent party at a certain Ms. Lia Ferris's house where various drinking games saw me with very sore hands and certain revelations spilling forth. Sorry guys. The evening ended for a group of us, but then another group decided that wasn't right and kept us up until 5. Quite fun though, methods included I Spy with a rather imaginative Gary chirping in occasionally with absolute CORKERS. and of course the advent of bloobs, blegs etc. from the ever unusually Liam and Emma. Well done you two.

I also found out I got a recall at my first - the rather lovely ROSE BRUFORD! Yay :) Now however, I need to find the sheet music to a particularly obscure musical...could be tricky.

On top of all of this our funding pitch, which Gemma and I put SO much work into, went rather well. Even if most of the questions were very much blagged! Now just the marks to come...

Now to the last couple of days.When i got the UCLan in Preston i thought - Wow. It was a beautiful building, with the massive downside of it being the fact that the teacher believed that an actor 'doesn't need to feel the emotion, just needs to show the audience what it should be'. Translation: demonstrate. Outcome: hammy, awful acting. They, essentially, teach an acting BA which states that truthful performance is unnecessary.  And very arrogantly too. That's why i don't care that I didn't get through, the 4 people that did were all very clear, but also extremely hollow. And none of the people to whom i wold have said 'yes' to got through either. you know, the ones I believed. They claim that they are training the very best of the 'actors of tomorrow'. If thats true I pity the Olivier awards and BAFTA awards of tomorrow. 

P.S. I suck at (amongst other things) finding a decent way to sign off. My best (from 'I Don't Like Mondays') was actually supplied to me by the mildly funny Mr Andy Burse. If you have any ides, please comment as I hate an open ended blog.

*insert sign off*

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA im just loling at the fact you've made Cucumber as one of your labels! don't worry hun - im happy people will look back and go "Lias party?...OH YES CUCUMBER BOY!" tee hee ^___^
