Monday 11 April 2011


Well, the last couple of weeks have been fairly uneventful. I didn't get in to Rose Bruford but half way through the following day and it felt like months ago, so its not all bad. We in Measure for Measure have got an awful lot done, and the 2 days next week should be amazingly helpful to get even more done so we can start to focus on detail and polishing.

Last night, however, someone I thought was worthy of my trust went on a rant about everything that everyone hates about me and that all of them spend any time with me trying to ditch me. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the honesty, but sometimes honesty should be fed out in bite-size morsels of truth, not as a full 'french service' meal plonked in front of me all at once. The truth is good to get out but hurts. It reduced my mental state back to that of the year 9 'emo' me. A state I do not like being in or being reminded of. Its amazing how quickly from the turn of one person you entirety of thought can regress. Some people, who are always honest to the face, I would have taken this from and barely reacted. But other people who hide their opinions from people's faces and tend to go behind you're back really hit you hard when they go to you're face. Its out of character and therefore you assume it is WORSE than what they are saying.

Really, I have no hard feelings toward this person and appreciate they're honesty but still, it hit hard.

In other news: I spent most of yesterday watching Bones, old episodes of Hustle and Glee. I am one episode ahead again. Last week's was mostly awful. Rachel more irritating than normal and too much Bieber. My Chemical Romance was incredible though. Tonight's is rather good, nice and emotional for Kurt, which I like.

Well, that's me for now, farewell, chums. Xx
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  1. Who the actual F**K spoke to you like that?!!? Say the word and they're face will be meeting my fist ¬____¬
    I dont try to ditch you so THERE. and i'm always right ;)

  2. lol, thanks :P to be honest it was just a matter of venting. genuinely over it after a lovely day with some of my Horsham peeps which came after i wrote this :D thanks a lot though :D xx
