Wednesday 17 October 2012

Stop the world, I want to get off.

So, I haven't posted here in nearly a year. And I'm not at all bothered by that. In fact, the only reason I'm posting now is that I've seen a few things today that make me doubt the validity of the statement 'the human brain is an organic supercomputer'. And the rant is too long for twitter.

Point number 1, as some of you may have seen earlier, a magazine annoyed me. The headline on the cover was this:

'I HAD A MISCARRIAGE at my baby shower!'

This was on the front of one of those slightly trashy gossip mags. Guess the title?


With a picture of a smiling woman. My one and only thought on seeing that was 'WHAT?!' How can the people of this earth actually want to PAY to read such an awful, horrifying and upsetting story told with such an upbeat attitude? To make matters worse it was next to a similarly upbeat colourful gossip mag called' TAKE A BREAK' whose headline read:

'SHE SLEPT WITH MY HUSBAND, but did she kill him?'

1: Probably not, calm down. Besides, as the wife of an adulterer you're the more likely suspect anyway.
2: If you suspect it - TELL THE FUCKING POLICE! Not the middle class bored housewives who read that magazine!

As you can see it genuinely got up my nose to a great extent.

The whole days lack of brain was added to by a post I saw come up on my news feed. Some random pillock had decided to post on the 'Number 10 Downing Street' page a letter to David Cameron (cos I here he checks there every day). The post was annoying enough, proper Daily Mail/The Sun bullshit. The guy complained he couldn't afford the £1000 to get his boiler fixed (strikes me he should be with British Gas or something. Or at least find a cheaper plumber) because of a long list of things he had to pay the government. Things that people have been paying the government for longer than most people remember. Like VAT. And Income Tax. And NI. And, according to him, PAYE. I.E. Pay As You Earn. Which is the way you pay some of those taxes. He also listed his TV Licence on there. You know, the optional hundred and something pound thing to let you watch TV. He also bought in the whole 'Somali family on benefits given £2million house' BS as well - and I've checked this story out in the past, the family in question are immensely shocked they got this particular townhouse and all have fairly menial jobs such as taxi drivers or no job at all. They pay a council housing rate (as it's a council house) of over £1000 a month. It's not a lot, but it's not actually losing money anywhere or giving someone shit for free. And he ended his post with 'give us a break Prime Minister...I look forward to your personal reply.' Already he's an idiot but he wasn't as annoying as the even more Daily Mail commenter. The kind of Daily Mail who is so bad they'll argue with other Daily Mail people. 

This guy complained that his son had fallen down the stairs so he had taken him to A&E, where he was seen after people who had been rushed in in the ambulance. Heaven for-fucking-fend. The people who need a stretcher and may have been stabbed or run over or something get seen before the kid who managed to get to and from the car after falling down the stairs? NEVER! 

Anyway. Today has been full of examples of humanities inability to use certain cognitive functions and as such has royally ticked me off. If you have made it this far congrats, i owe you chocolate as an apology.