Thursday 1 December 2011

Lots to say, so little time!

First things first I feel the need to apologise for such an extended period of non-postage. So here it is:


I'm sure that no-one really noticed, I'm not under the delusion that my blog is that central to lives of my associates but nonetheless it felt necessary. I would also like to point out the the word 'blog' has started coming up as an unknown word when I type it on here, which is something I enjoy as much as Facebook not recognising its own name.

So since I wrote last I have completed an EPIC 24 hours of solid drama, partaken in the University Musical Theatre society's Fresher's Showcase, written my first 'academic' essay, drunk more than my fair share of alcohol, not eaten nearly enough veg, slept lots and somehow managed to find myself in a relationship.

Let's do this in chronological order, shall we? And I'll try not to be too dull :)

24 hour drama is a wonderful idea to meet people, have fun and get you practical drama fix at uni starting at 12 noon on a Saturday and ending 24 hours later. One can arrive late or bail early as wished, however i did neither and slept muchly afterwards.It is run by one of the on campus societies (T:24 Drama) who, as shown by their name, make 24 hour events a habit. It was a lot of fun where I got to know some people I'd already met around the place and met a large number of wondrous people. Including one lovely young lady called Kate. I'm sure all those of you who actually bother to read these ramblings of mine have already seen this fact displayed on the screen of the all powerful master that is facebook, but nonetheless I am re-iterating. She would be accepted by all you beloved and much missed performing arts friends. That's right, she is THAT crazy ;) And about 3 feet tall. I joke, but she is 4'11"...1 foot and 4 inches shorter than me. This makes for some rather entertaining photographs.

Shortly after the 24 hour drama I was accepted in the Freshers Showcase which was 'Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll'. In the showcase I had 2 solos but the important part was I met even more brilliant people and had a lot of fun. The show was filled with great songs such as Totally Fucked (yes, an obvious choice for the theme, but for the excellent reason that it is a great song that doesn't need much context) and Lancelot from Monty Python's SPAMALOT, in which I got to dance most camply and was therefore in my element. The directors even managed to make a long line of people coming to bow more interesting by making the bows a live performance of 'Everybody Needs Somebody' as well. Excellent show, excellent people, excellent fun times.

On the essay, it wasn't a long one as such, and we all had plenty of time to do it in. What got me about it when I re-read it was how only 2 or 3 months ago I would not have really got a lot of what I was on about...but now I'm writing it! It's amazing the pace with which you pick things up when you read this amount every week. Seriously, reading is the dominant form of my existence now but as long as it is the right book or extract, it has stopped being a chore. I am enjoying reading the way I used to all those years ago! :P

Well, it has been wonderful spewing the last 2 months of my life for you all; what have you been up to?


P.P.S I am aware how very childishly excited that seemed, but I guess I'm just extremely hyped up this year. XD