Friday 1 July 2011

The speed of time

Time flies when your having fun. That's what they say, and I have decided that I do not like it, not one bit. Don't worry, this isn't going to be a moany Blog which people would probably expect from that sentence. I hope.

Since leaving college, I have spent most of my time at home and already the last month seems longer than the rest of the year so far put together. January to May flitted past in a heartbeat with all my bestest buds having fun and doing what we laughingly call 'hard work'. And yes, it was hard and stressful, but somehow a lot of fun at the same time. Now, living life away from these people time drags by even with the best in 21st century entertainment to keep me occupied.

The upshot of the is that when I look back on this year in my dotage I will see an awefully long time playing playstation, watching films and TV and sleeping but an almost minuscule amount of time (albeit filled to the brim with activity) with the people I love. This juxtaposition worries me and makes me wish that fun times felt longer than nothingy times.

Prime example: Emma and Hannah's leaving-for-Europe do on Tuesday. We arrived around 20 to 6-ish and probably didn't actually sleep (those of us in the front room anyway) until about 3 or 3.30 a.m. Tuesday night was GREAT fun and I hope nothing but the best (and a quickest-feeling due to fun-ness) trip to the gals, and yet so far since I woke up 3 or so hours ago, today seems FAR longer than the whole of Tuesday.

I really sincerely wish for the rest of summer to be energetic, involved and fun as I want the memories to be such, even if they are quick ones.

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