Sunday 15 May 2011

Here we go!

So, its been a while. And an odd while at that.

Tomorrow is my first exam: Philosophy Unit 1. A I worried? Yes, actually. been trying to revise, but only have the materials to revise HALF of the exam. and that half is only an option. The question I have to answer is the one that all my revision stuff has run off for. Joyous, isn't it? But hey-ho, moving on.

Tomorrow is also performance 1 of Measure for Measure. Can. Not. Wait! Seriously, I want to get up in front of that audience with the other incredibly talented people I've been working with for the last few months and go: Look at this, we did this! Yes, there are worries. Yes, I am nervous. But no, I will not be brought down by them. If something goes wrong, which it almost certainly will what with it being promenade and relying on the audience actually moving (god forbid :P), we will power through professionally and make it looked planned. we're good like that.

When we are done with the old M4M comes the moment: leaving. Performing Arts finished. A week ago I didn't really know how I would react about that. Now however, with it looming over us, I'm feeling scared, sad and just a little nostalgic. ALREADY!!! It's just silly. I'm looking back over my times and going 'oh, those were the days.'WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Really, it is too much for this time. I know for sure that I will miss everyone hugely, some people even more, but that's inevitable. Any of you who are reading this: you guys have been my life for the last 2 years, when I'm off at Uni *fingers crossed* it's gonna take some SERIOUS adjustment. I love you all :).

Now: my biggest worry right now is English. I got my coursework grade back and it was a C. A mid band C. I need to get a high B or an A in the exam to get into Uni and that TERRIFIES me. exams stress me, and last years English exam yielded me a D. This is scary scary stuff. My entire future is now hanging on one exam. And, it's an exam that bears no real relation to my career. I hope I get it though, Kent will be SO good for me.

To close, I repeat: I love all my Performing Arts people and send a special shout out to them and our wonderful teachers to say that I am a completely different person to 2 years ago thanks to you. This journey has seen me grow personally, professionally and emotionally so thank you so much, and sorry if it has been a bumpy road with me at times.
